Duchesses and Dragons

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My favorite grumpy/sunshine duo? This was a delight. Even though I knew where it was going, I still couldn’t put it down because I was having so much fun. Willa is a great balance of relaxed but also emotionally mature, and just a lot of fun. Her intuition with Luke and how she spoke to him was wonderful. Cade was a lovable grump that you learn to love even more the more you get to know him. I loved their chemistry on the page and how they all felt like a family without it feeling forced. I don’t think I’ve EVER said this but the third act …accident.. was actually necessary! It assured the couple and us as readers that they really fit as a couple and weren’t just kind of forced into it. I also appreciated that they never tried to change each other even though they were really different. I think this is my favorite of Elsie Silver so far!