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Wild at Heart by K.A. Tucker

Wild at Heart by K.A. Tucker feels like an exploration of what would’ve happened if Alexis Rose said yes to going to the Galapagos with Ted on Schitts Creek. I still think they could’ve made it work! But I get why the show didn’t want to have Alexis follow him to the Galapagos and show her character development and newfound independence. Alexis and Calla even both love the floppy hats! They’re so similar to me.

So, this book I love just as much as the first one but it is a lot different! The first book is about forgiveness, enemies to lovers, fish out of water, estranged family, found family, and grief. This book is all about a relationship and compromise and what it looks like day to day. In many romances, the couple doesn’t get together until the end of the books and theres a happily ever after but we don’t see how they make it work after that.

The first time I read this book, it stressed me out. Jonah and Calla are my favorite fictional couple ever and the challenges they have made me worry that maybe they wouldn’t make it or have the dreaded 3rd act breakup which I always hate in romance. However, going into this book a second time after reading the whole series, I loved it! But I went into it this time knowing it all turns out okay and their trials made them stronger! I also think I wanted it to be just like the first book, but without Wren and Agnes and Mabel, it took a while to come around to meeting new characters and having a new setting. Much like Jonah and Calla! After a re-read, I love this book just as much as the first one. I tend to love slice of life books, too. I love domestication and being immersed in the day to day lives of the characters. I know for some people that can be boring but not for me!

A big lesson from this book is: if the surprise you’re planning causes the person to be anxious/hurt/ feeling like you don’t care/ forgot about them, the surprise isn’t worth it! Just tell them what you were planning. The fact that you were planning one will still mean a lot. Jonah tried to do the whole surprise romantic thing too many times and during a time of huge transition for Calla! So much could’ve been avoided if Jonah just didn’t try to cover up his surprises and just told her that he was going to get her birthday present that morning and not to work! I related to Calla a lot in the way she handled her insecurities and the way her anxieties manifested. Every anxious thought and questionable choice she made out of her insecurities made total sense to me.

The challenges that Jonah and Calla go through together are also very realistic and relatable. The house they bought and put together to make a home also felt cozy as a reader. Just like the first book, their chemistry came off the page. I loved the way they fought, they would have tough conversations and weren’t afraid to take time to cool off before making up. There were times that the both of them would wait to say certain things but that also felt realistic because they were both trying to preserve the relationship during so much transition. There relationship felt real and lived in but I also totally felt how much they loved each other.

I love that Calla comes to enjoy gardening and makes friends with animals! Bandit moving with them as a pet was perfection. I laughed out loud at Zeke the goat’s fainting scene! This book was perfect and I loved it, but the only thing missing was I wish Calla got a dog. That would’ve put this story over the top!

Ok, let’s talk about Marie.

She really tried to play off being “the friend” to try and swoop in with YOU BELONG WITH ME! when he and Calla had a misunderstanding.

I get it, you’ve liked the guy for a long time. But, I felt like she didn’t respect his relationship with Calla and tried to take advantage of multiple times when it was vulnerable. Also, if you’re in a heterosexual monogamous relationship, it is NOT OKAY to confide in your heterosexual opposite sex friend. It is definitely crossing a boundary and just inviting trouble. Marie took advantage of Jonah needing a friend and trying to insert herself. AND THEN when she tried to cross the line, Jonah did tell her to back off but then consoled her?! I wish he had a more firm hand. Marie does grow on me in Running Wild where we get a better understanding of her and see her find her own man. I also like that in that book she realizes that she and Jonah didn’t have romantic chemistry and it was more that they were the only people similar of age that were single and attractive and they are better as friends. I also wish Jonah said as much to Calla, like he just didn’t ever want anything romantic with her instead of it being a timing thing?

Muriel, Toby, and Roy really grew on me! I also have to note how Calla and grumpy men are drawn to each other. First Jonah, then Roy. She knows how to give the sass back and they love it! I also liked the reveal of Roy’s past and how it was dark but Calla judges him on the person she knows now. She leaves it up to those he hurt in the past to be the ones to forgive him. It’s a nice concept that even people who do bad things can find loving relatinoships later in life, but it’s not necessarily up to the people they hurt to give that to them. You can always learn from your past and start over! You don’t have to punish yourself for forever.

I really missed Agnes and Mabel in this book and thought Jonah could have been much more understanding of Calla and how much she gave up and how quickly she gave it all up to be with him. Also, he totally manipulated her into that house. Even with this, I still loved the book! They have healthy communication and fight in a healthy way and that was refreshing. I felt better about this book after reading Running Wild, because in that one Calla's place in Alaska felt more established and satisfying, and her own. Though the end of this book does set Calla up to be Alaska’s go-to marketing/PR/ event planning person. Much like Alexis Rose was in Schitts Creek. Love that journey for her! Give us more Calla and Jonah!!!

Side note: You can get super cute The Simple Wild merch here and here! I got the Alaska Wild sweatshirt and love it. I plan on getting more of the merch eventually.