Duchesses and Dragons

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A Court of Frost and Starlight

This one is short and not a lot happens! People are really hard on this book in their Goodreads reviews, but I enjoyed it! It was a drama free snippet of their lives around the holidays. I personally love slice of life books. The conflict doesn’t need to be epic for me to enjoy it. I also love Christmas and the holiday season so that was an extra boost of serotonin for me. I also really loved getting everyone’s point of view.

Feyre is only 21?!?! LORDDD it’s super cool that she’s high lady but jeez she barely has any experience in anything. If she wasn’t Rhysand’s mate, she would never be in the running for that position. It would have made more sense for Mor or Amren to get the position. Don’t get me wrong, I love Feyre! It’s just a little silly if I think too much about how old she is.

I get that she saw what her son would look like in the Bone Carver and the weaver’s story of wishing she still had a piece of her husband after losing him in the war, but she’s still so young! Fae are immortal, do they really have biological clocks to worry about?! I don’t get the rush. 

I loved the insight into Elain being fun! Her gift to Azriel was not only hilarious but so thoughtful! It was a brief moment where I thought maybe she and Azriel could be an interesting balance for one another but I still think Gwyn’s gentleness and also her fierceness is still a better fit with Azriel. I hope we get more of Elain being funny! Her character has mainly been helpless and weepy and also a bit of Trelawney’s nonsensical personality.

I particularly enjoyed getting Mor’s point of view. She is one of my favorite characters and has so much history and depth but we don’t get her point of view on it until this book. I really enjoyed that.

Cassian and Nesta in this… just wow. They were both assholes honestly. I’m so glad Silver Flames is next and we get their happy ending.