This book is honestly perfect.. I have zero notes. This is basically a celebration of everything I loved about it.

In book 1, Feyre gave up everything for Tamlin. Killed innocents for him. A Court of Mist and Fury starts out with Feyre dealing with the fallout of killing those innocents and everything that happened with Amarantha under the Mountain. She’s suffering from PTSD and a controlling and clueless fiancé. Tamlin didn’t possess the emotional intelligence nor the compassion for Feyre and what she was going through. SJM depicted what it looks like when a relationship slips from wanting to keep someone safe to being controlling and abusive very realistically. At first, Tamlin swears that he’s worried sick for Feyre and doesn’t “allow her” ( F off TamTam) to go anywhere out of fear that she’s hunted because of her new powers. Then it transitions into breaking all of her stuff, throwing things and screaming at her. Then apologizing and being kind and then literally locking her in a room. Not to mention, he was sexist as hell and said there’s no such things as High Ladies. Mmkkk bro.

Enter, the Night Court. Rhys crashing their wedding was so unexpected and amazing. That was such a fun plot twist.

This new cast of characters are everything this series needed. I can’t imagine everyone loving it if Feyre stayed in the spring court with TamTam and Lucien and that being it. I hope we get a book centered on Mor, she’s such a cool and interesting female character.

The slow burn of Feyre and Rhysand’s romance is stunning. I also really appreciate that Feyre didn’t just end up with the first guy she ever fell for. Because that’s not realistic for most people. We usually have to search a little to find our person. She had us all thinking Feyre and Tamlin were endgame and then dropped this masterpiece of a book and PSYCHED us all! SJM really did that! Rhysand is a feminist king and we love that. And the reveal that they’re mates by that gossip of a Suriel?! Chefs kiss!! Everything felt earned and not rushed.

Rhysand and Feyre had chemistry that was lacking with her and Tamlin. She and Rhysand have depth that’s both similar and different to one another. Rhys has the emotional intelligence and depth that Feyre needs to be seen and fully appreciated. They also didn’t have the shallow instalove that she and TamTam supposedly had. The internet loves Feysand and with good reason.

The ending had me speechless. It was crafted and built up so well. An amazing cliffhanger. SJM is at her best in this book. She subverts every expectation. No fakeout death and resurrection ending which I was so thankful for!

Feyre is also a badass. Our girl can fight! Her powers are so cool and I don’t normally enjoy combat scenes but the way she uses her power is awesome. Creating water wolves to drown and attack enemies was so fun to read! Feyre is kind and compassionate but also feisty and stands in her power wihtout being domineering. She said herself in book 1 that she and Nesta are two sides of the same coin. They’re both assertive and confident women, Nesta is just a bit more abrasive. I love them both and Nesta’s story in book 5 is also a favorite.

I did think Feyre was hard on him for not telling her they were mates.. it 100% made sense why he didn’t. He didn’t want her to fall for him for the wrong reasons or put pressure on her and for their relationship to be organic. Her demanding he winnow them home when he had almost died a few minutes earlier and left him in the mud and didn’t speak to him for 5 days didn’t make any sense to me. It would have been strange for her to jump right into it I guess, but it would have made more sense for her to just need space to think and not because she was pissed at him. Poor Rhysand!

All in all, this book is amazing and one of my favorites of all time.


The Assassin’s Blade


A Court of Thorns and Roses