A Ranking of Favorite Romantasy Couples

Sophie’s choice but here are my personal top 10 favorite couples in fantasy/romantasy.

  1. Dorian and Manon

    I love them so much. I love chaotic good characters and that is exactly what these two are. I really felt like they’ll have a long distance sort of relationship for a while after where they left off in Kingdom of Ash until they decide to settle down. It would not have felt right for Manon and Dorian to get married. Neither of them are conventional people and are drawn to each other because of it. I can’t see Dorian with any other woman after falling for Manon. There is also the fact that Dorian is human so their relationship already has that obstacle built in. Manon can spend time with Dorian and fully focus on her witch stuff again after his lifetime. All that to say, I don’t see either of them being happy in a conventional relationship anyways so I was happy with their ending. I could see them having children and both settling in Adarlan with Manon travelling every so often to do her witchy things but ultimately see them in a stable relationship. I also saw a theory online that since Manon is half Crochan, she can have a son- so they could have the first irontooth prince! I’m so here for this theory. I love this couple for how unique they are and how I can never guess what they are going to do next. True power couple!

  2. Rowan and Aelin

    I didn’t expect to love Aelin with anyone after Sam, but Rowan is her equal in every way. I love the vulnerable side of her we get to see when she’s with Rowan. He also doesn’t put up with her shit the way her past partners did. He also was willing to accept every part of her, the good the bad and the insane.

  3. Violet and Xaden

    These two I really considered putting as my number 1, talk about a power couple! I love that Xaden is morally grey until it comes to Violet. I didn’t feel like I could put them at #1 since their story is incomplete and because Violet wasn’t as understanding of him as he was of her in Iron Flame. And they both need to work on their communication. VERY anxious to see where their story goes after THAT ending in Iron Flame.

  4. Nesta and Cassian

    I think I love couples where the female is a headstrong and chaotic personality. I love the balance Nesta and Cassian have. He cares for her in such a sweet and gentle way and she challenges him. Rhysand and Feyre’s story is super romantic but as a couple, Nesta and Cassian are the most fun.

  5. Feyre and Rhysand

    A Court of Mist and Fury. Enough said.

  6. Max and Tisaanah

    This is such a sweet slow burn. They both go through so much but never resent each other and always support one another.

  7. Celaena and Sam

    I really felt Celaena’s grief in The Assassin’s Blade. They really had a future together until he was taken away too soon. The moment she finally told him what he meant to her at his grave in Queen of Shadows was beautiful and heartbreaking. This couple will always have a special place in my heart!

  8. Lara and Aren

    I love this arranged marriage turned to passionate love couple! This is another headstrong and fierce lady balanced by a sweet and loyal man.

  9. Harry and Ginny

    I said it! I love this couple! The movies didn’t show the chemistry they had in the books. They are both headstrong and I loved seeing Harry appreciate Ginny’s boldness and sense of humor.

  10. Elide and Lorcan

    Elide and Lorcan’s story was another favorite for me. The scene where she saves him from the battlefield on Farasha with time ticking on the dam breaking was SO stressful and amazing! Aelin coming through with her fire power was so cool and I was so relieved when Elide and Lorcan made it to safety and admitted their feelings to each other. I also loved seeing the soft side of Lorcan! He was a such a grumpy asshole when we first meet him but he is so gentle and sweet with Elide and I just loved it.


Ranking the Maasverse


Kingdom of Ash