Duchesses and Dragons

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Crown of Midnight

Even on a re-read, there is still 0 chemistry between Celaena and Chaol. Even though I’m 10000% team Rowaelin, she and Dorian made more sense as a pairing that her and Chaol. IM NOT SORRY! I will say though, on this re-read, Crown of Midnight went from a weak 3 stars to a solid 4.5 stars for me. All the Easter eggs with the rings and Dorian discovering his magic and Nehemiah and the Wyrdmarks and the leading up to the big reveal at the end was so well done!

We start off with Celaena doing the king’s dirty work and we’re lead to believe that she is his hit man, thankfully we learn later that she stages their deaths and helps them get away. I hated that Celaena was so cold to Dorian, he didn’t deserve it! He genuinely still wanted to be friends with her and she dismissed him. Chaol and Celaena get together and I have to say that Celaena planning a whole romantic dinner for him did feel a little out of character! She’s not a romantic and a gesture like that felt a bit off but that could be because she and Chaol make no sense to me. It doesn’t last longer than a week anyway since Chaol didn’t mention to her that her friend had death threats against her- which I don’t get why he wouldn’t tell her that?! I get he thought he was doing right by the king but.. she’s his assassin! Seems like a good person to be in the know about that.

My heart did break for her when Chaol was taken and how triggering that was for her after Sam. And then when she almost killed Chaol?! OMG! I’m honestly glad I already knew he was in later books because I was really afraid she was going to kill him and have to live with that guilt. The reveal of Dorian’s magic and that being the thing that saves Chaol’s life was so cool. Dorian could’ve easily been the pretty boy gentleman but this book brought more depth to him and his character just gets better each book.

My heart broke again at Celaena’s grief and learning more about her parents’ murder. The amount of grief she has had to endure in 19 years of life is insane. Speaking of her being 19, JEEZ Nehemia we can lay off the guilt tripping?! SHe’s a CHILD! She doesn’t have to save the world yet if she doesn’t want to?!

The ending was so well done with the reveal of Celaena and Aelin Galathynius being the same person. I hate that she had such shame about being a fae and where she comes from which makes her healing journey in Heir of Fire all the sweeter.