Duchesses and Dragons

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Empire of Storms

Empire of Storms is Game of Thrones- light but it’s the Arya, Daenerys, Sansa (season 5+), Brienne show without incest and everyone does things that make sense within their characters. Basically, no one burns an entire city of innocents out of nowhere.

The book starts out with a flashback to Elena and Gavin in a war against Erawan. We flash forward to all of our main characters on separate journeys that all eventually come together, much like Game of Thrones. Aelin, Lysandra, Rowan, Aedion are trying to gather allies in the war against Erawan and trying to gather Wrdkeys. The first meeting they have was not a successful one. The group leader, Darrow, proclaims that just because Aelin is royal, it doesn’t mean she can just come back as a 19 year old (SJM really loves to have our heroines take on the world at 19! See: Feyre and Bryce) and claim to be a sovereign leader, especially after being gone for 10 years. We have all been with Aelin for 5 books before this point, so we all know she is capable but an outsider who is much older than her is naturally not going to be impressed by this wannabe teen queen whose only claim to power is her parents.

There is word that the Ironteeth clan is heading for Rifthold so Aelin asks Rowan to retrieve Dorian and meet them in Skull’s Bay. Cut to Manon letting Dorian escape, now owing him a life debt. Yay Manon! So nice to see her making good choices but also was so excited at the growing potential for she and Dorian to become a couple.

I loved the Elide and Lorcan storyline. Lorcan reminds me of Jaime Lannister. He has a slimy past, is cunning and typically only looks out for himself. Elide is such a great character. While she does have cool powers like Aelin or Manon, she’s savvy and honorable. I didn’t expect to like them as a couple, but I really did! I was sad at the end of this when they were rocky but I am hopeful they’ll get a happy ending in the final book.

Cut back to the Ironteeth clan, and grandma Blackbeak is PISSED that Dorian escaped, knowing that someone had to have helped him. Asterin is senteneced to death as a a result. I was truly on the edge of my seat when I really thought Manon was going to behead her. I was really scared that there would be no coming back or a plausible redemption for her if she went through with it. I was SO thankful when she turned on the tyrants and saved her cousin! It turns devastating quickly however when her grandmother gutted her fully intending to kill her own grand daughter. And we learned that Manon is half Crochan! Which made her executing her half Crochan sister in the last book even more devastating. Especially since her grandmother knew! Damn, grandma.

Lysandra is the real MVP. Particularly when she transformed into a sea dragon for that fight in Skulls Bay. She IS the reason they won that. That whole fight with the Valg in Skull’s Bay was EPIC. Aelin and Rowan combining their power on the Sea Dragon boat combining their power was so cool but also had Rhaenyra and Damon vibes with the joining of their bloody hands. And the matching platinum hair and slight familial bond through Maeve.

I loved the Rowan and Aelin scene after the battle where they first say “I love you”. It was particularly powerful because we have seen Aelin in relationships before Rowan and she was never able to say it to them, but with Rowan it seems effortless and she says it first. His response was also so sweet. I love them!

The ending of part one with Abaxos bringing Manon to Aelin’s ship was so cool! Abraxos really is the best boy.I was also so excited because I was anxious for her and Aelin to interact since they are so similar and for her and Dorian to grow closer.

I was at first confused and concerned by Aelin’s reaction to Fenrys saying “nameless is my price” by throwing up in the bathroom and being cagey with Rowan. It seemed out of character after Rowan saying “there is no limit to what I can give you” and now being all freaked out by a potential pregnancy scare. I get that it triggered the loss of Lyria and their unborn child, but it really seemed like he had fully accepted Aelin as his future. I was also suprised at Aelin saying that she doesn’t want to take birth control for a chance at having an heir, shouldn’t that a be a conversation?! Also, you’re 19! This was all explained later thankfully, but it took a long time to get there and I was basically thrown off by it until then.

Ok, so the Manorian content was perfection?! The first time he came to her room and left her wanting more was the best. It was fun to see that side of Dorian but also Manon. Manon is used to being in charge and doesn’t expect to be surprised by men she’s interested in. It was some really fun chemistry. And then him going back for more was chef’s kiss. They may be my favorite couple in this series?! They’re just so chaotic good and fun.

Back to Lysandra being the real MVP, now she’s prentending to be Aelin?! The only question I have about that is what is she going to do in battle without Aelin’s hand to hand combat skills or magic?!

The surprise of Ansel coming back as an ally was super cool. I feel bad for Aedion never knowing Aelin’s plans but it also feels in line with her character to be kinda sneaky and do things on her own. I think it’s also reflective of her age. Interesting that we’re seeing the life debts she has accrued throughout her life, particularly from Assassin’s Blade.

The ending of this book is so sad. I am a bit devastated by the Harry Potter-esque prophecy where Aelin, like Harry, is basically raised as a pig for slaughter. Given time to live a life but ultimately are on the clock to sacrifice themselves at some point. I read online to be prepared for the ending to devastate you and that it gets even worse in Kingdom of Ash. While I didn’t miss Chaol in this book, I am excited to get his story in Tower of Dawn next and see Yrene again.