Duchesses and Dragons

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Fourth Wing

This book is Harry Potter meets Wednesday meets Hunger Games meets ACOTAR meets a little Game of Thrones. I will draw comparisons to other series I love but I do not do so disparagingly, or to diminish how amazing Fourth Wing, it just reminds me of other series that I love! Also, as a therapist my brain is always looking for patterns and consistencies so I can’t not search for things that fit together.

Violet has Ehler’s-Danlos syndrome. So, her joints are hypermobile and prone to injury and chronic pain. Violet has been preparing to be a scribe her whole life, until her mom decides suddenly that she is going to be a dragonrider at Basgiath, a war college everyone in her family has gone to. This causes unease in the people in Violet’s life because dragonriding is very dangerous and physical. And Violet’s body is not like everyone elses. However, those that are closest to her immediately assume that Violet is incapable instead of seeing her potential in making dragonriding her own.

Only her mom and Xaden believe in her all along. I can’t decide if her mom is a Snape character who is cold and seemingly villain-ish but is always looking out for Violet . Lilith is one of the only two people (Xaden being the other) to believe in Violet. It’s not hinted as to why Lilith was hellbent on Violet joining the riders’ quadrant after she had been training to be a scribe her whole life. I like to think it’s because she saw more to Violet and what she could do. But, I also like the theory out there that she didn’t want Violet to find out more about her dad as a scribe and to keep more information from her. I DONT think she had it out for her daughter. ALSO, Lilith’s signet is storms and Violet’s is lightning?! INTERESTING

Xaden IS Azriel from ACOTAR!!! He’s not a swoony smooth talker like Rhysand. He’s the quiet, emo, skinny jean wearing but thoughtful type like Azriel! Also both shadow wielders and ruthless- willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. I am such a Xaden and Violet stan. The repeated line from Xaden being, “You’ll be the death of me, Violence” MAKES ME UNWELL! Super hoping it’s a throwaway line and not a foreshadowing Although, like Harry Potter, it seems that Yarros doesn’t have too many throwaway lines and that there is quite a bit of foreshadowing. I am really hoping this is the case and not another Game of Thrones were there’s a beautiful build up until the end where everything means nothing and for no reason. There are A LOT of practicing AP English adults on the internet with some great theories they have deduced from lines in the book that totally went over my head.

Dain= Tamlin from ACOTAR

He is SO controlling and immature and a mansplainer. Dain NEVER asks Violet what she wants and always assumes he knows what’s best for her?! BOY BYE

This scene from Game of Thrones sums up my feelings about Dain perfectly.

Dain, please STFU.

Also, the whole venin thing and the believers and nonbelievers gives Order of the Phoenix vibes. Those who believe and those who don’t. Or White Walkers from Game of Thrones. You even need special weapons to defeat the venin! Like dragon glass for whitewalkers. Unlike Venin and Voldy though, they’re not OP and can reasonably be defeated with a big enough army and the right weapons. Winning against the White Walkers made zero sense because they were undead and Voldemort being killed by teenagers was silly (even though I still love HP).

AND BRENNAN IS ALIVE?! As much as I get why Violet is angry and feels duped, I get why Xaden didn’t tell her. It’s a huge secret and he and Violet weren’t a legitimate couple until towards the end. That’s a pretty big earth-shattering truth bomb to drop on an early relationship. Part of me wishes he told her when she told him she loved him. At that point I feel like he ran out of the excuse to keep it a secret. If Violet could figure out how to block out her dragons, she could have blocked out Dain if he tried to read her memories. Although, it’s in Xaden’s nature to keep secrets close to his chest, hence the shadows. He’s also a 23-year-old deeply traumatized BOY! I hope with time, he will learn to fully trust Violet. Violet is extremely loyal and moral, and I have no doubt that she’ll be part of the rebellion. F DAIN for doing exactly what Xaden feared he would do and see her memories without her consent! UGHHHH Hate that guy.

Violent is a Harry/ Hermione hybrid. I LOVE how much of a reader she is! Violet is all about facts and has read EVERYTHING like Hermione. But she is also naturally gifted at most things but is humble and always wants to do the right thing like Harry.

Ridoc is Fred and George/ Cassian from ACOTAR. He is the best comic relief character in this book.

LOVE the Fantasy Fangirls podcast. They are so funny and have great insights into the story.

Additionally, I can’t go without mentioning this person’s review on goodreads. Very astute.