Duchesses and Dragons

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House of Sky and Breath

WHAT ?!?!????

SJM really showcases her writing skills in this series. The twists and turns are expertly crafted. ACOTAR is a warm hug and this series alternates between giggles and gasps.

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas is a whirlwind. However, it was slow to start. We get a prologue of new characters and those characters take what felt like a while to come into the picture. And even in the end I didn’t really understand their impact except to give Bryce’s parents a new adopted son and to show that Danika had even more secrets? This book also felt like a lot of set up for book 3 which we finally get next week!

The payoff for this book came towards the end with the epic reveals of Danika’s mate, the latest Fendyr resurrection and the ACOTAR crossover. Those were expertly done. The lead up to those reveals though felt like a lot of plot armor with no real stakes. As much as I enjoy SJM books, the fake out death happens quite a bit. The book felt a bit like:

Bryce muse save everyone!

*They almost die within an inch of their lives but miraculously escape!*

Someone else has a crush on Bryce!

*Ruhn flirts with fireplace*

“You’re the true queen Bryce!”

*Bryce and Hunt hook up!*

Bryce saves the day again!

Ruhn hooks up with fireplace!

And rinse and repeat

I was happy to see redemption for Ithan and to learn more about Danika. Man did she have secrets! Super excited to see how the ACOTAR crossover fleshes out in book 3.

What I loved about book 1 was the exploration of grief and the growth of Bryce and Hunt’s relationship. In this book it was a lot more action and new lore. Hunt and Bryce’s relationship felt like ‘more tell and not show’.

Ruhn hooking up with fire lady was also pretty funny to me but the reveal that she is Lidia was crazy!

Now I need to hustle and read as much of Throne of Glass as possible before the 30th!