Duchesses and Dragons

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Iron Flame

**spoiler warning!**

Iron Flame was such a ride. I could not put it down since I started it on release day. I absolutely loved this book. I loved how different it was from Fourth Wing and the growth of Violet and Xaden’s relationship. There were also so many satisfying reveals!

Part one of this book reminded me a lot of Order of the Phoenix. Violet has lifechanging information that no one else knows and is isolating herself as a result. Varrish was basically Umbridge. But, maybe worse?

I didn’t always love the conflict between Violet and Xaden. I wanted Xaden to just open up to her like she wanted and also have her give more grace for the secrets he has. In a new relationship, I don’t think you owe your partner all of your secrets immediately. I think it’s fair to not want to share everything right off the bat, those things take time. I am glad though that Violet had the realization that she could have been more understanding of Xaden not telling her about the revolution after her friends didn’t hold it against her when she finally told them, because that’s what I was thinking the whole time it was happening. When Violet was distancing herself and being cagey with Rhiannon in particular I was like… ok you’re doing to them exactly what you’re mad at Xaden about! They seriously just needed to communicate and that got a little frustrating. Xaden’s whole ‘ just aske me questions!’ was cagey and annoying.

The inntinnsic reveal however was BEAUTIFULLY DONE! The way he answers the question by reading her mind was so so good (although, HOW did this happen when he supposedly can only read intentions?! Hoping Fantasy Fangirls explains this to me). I was beside myself at that reveal. Nicole from Fantasy Fangirls podcast TOTALLY called this! I was so happy for her when this was revealed. I was really glad that Violet didn’t take long to accept this of him and that it didn’t hurt their relationship. I hate the whole break up and make up back and forth in books so I am really glad that didn’t happen here.

Which brings me to the ending where it’s revealed that Xaden is part venin now. I REALLY hope that Xaden doesn’t do the whole ‘I’m dangerous for you so I have to leave you’ thing. That would be so lame and I will lose patience if that happens. I am in the camp that Violet knows that he’s part venin now since she noticed the red rim on his eyes and that they grew enough in their relationship that they discussed it, even though that wasn’t included in the book before we got to his POV. And the fact that Sgaeyl knows. This also may be just wishful thinking on my part.

I am hoping that Violet’s second signet will have something to do with helping him heal from that. I also hope that they continue to just be together and surf any conflicts that arise without them breaking up. I hate a third act breakup but I especially hate when couples constantly breakup. Just please Rebecca Yarros, don’t do that to us. It makes it hard to continue to root for and love a couple when they break up all the time because it starts to seem toxic and difficult to continue to root for. At the end of the day, I’m a romance genre lover ultiamtely so I want a happy ending for Violet and Xaden. If Violet or Xaden die or they don’t end up together then that takes away what I love about romance. If I wanted tragedy, I would read it! But I love romance and romantasy. Fingers crossed that Rebecca doesn’t wreck me!

Lilith’s death at the ending was very lame to me. It came out of nowhere and we also didn’t get to know Lilith really so I was very underwhelmed by her ‘sacrifice’? Felt undercooked for me. Lilith was such an asshole to her daughter and the severe physical abuse she inflicted on Xaden when he was a child was deplorable.

Ultimately, I loved this book and am so intrigued to see where the series goes from here.