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The Assassin’s Blade

Unpopular opinion: read this first! I wish read it first. There’s a lot of debate on the internet about what sentence to put this prequel in the series. Many readers and SJM herself suggested reading this prequel in between the second and third books, so that’s what I did. But I have to say that I disagree with their recommendation. The first book was a miss for me because I didn’t have an emotional buy in with any of the characters. But after reading this in between Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire, it makes me want to re read Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight again. There’s mention of Sam and Arobynn’s betrayal but you have no idea who they are without reading The Assassin’s Blade so it doesn’t hit. I feel like I know Celaena now and I am so invested in what happened to her after the death of Sam. And I’m on the edge of my seat for her to get her revenge.

I’ve never been so devastated by a death in a book before this one. That includes Dobby the Elf. I SO hope Celaena gets revenge on Arobynn for the worst betrayal and years of abuse and being a garbage person in general. And this is a prequel so I knew it was coming and it STILL got me! SJM time and again makes us fall in love with characters and then devastates us. I usually feel frustrated when she does her classic death fakeout and then a resurrection but this was a time that I wished we got that because I loved the character so much!

There’s also this built up tension for Celaena’s past. Where does she come from? And why is it a secret that only Arobynn knows? Sam wonderfully responds to Arobynn’s baiting to get him to not trust Celaena by saying “Celaena when you’re good and ready to tell me the truth, you’ll do it. And no matter what it is, when that day comes, I’ll be honored that you trust me enough to do so. But until then, it’s not my business, and it’s not Arobynn’s business. It’s not anyone business but your own.” So beautifully said and an important part of a healthy love. He didn’t need to know everything about her immediately, he just loved who was in front of him and was willing to accept the light and dark parts of her.

I haven’t hated a character as much as Arobynn since Ramsey or Geoffrey from Game of Thrones. He is a sick and twisted sadistic sociopath. He orchestrated Sam’s brutal murder and torture out of jealousy for the girl he raised. Then to manipulate Celaena into giving him her life savings only to ship her off into slavery. Do your worst, Celaena.

The Assassin’s Blade is the complete body of work of 5 novellas. Each one is amazing in its own way.

The Assassin and The Pirate Lord introduces us to Sam and Celaena’s world as born and bred assassins as well as their chemistry. You can feel their romantic tension from the get go. We also see the depth in both assassins. They’re incredibly stealthy and talented but also are brave and have a drive to do the right thing.

The Assassin and the Healer gives us a glimpse into Celaena’s visceral anger. She has been abused her whole life and had recently suffered a brutal beating from Arobynn. Yet she shows her humanity again with Yrene and changes her life in many ways. I have a feeling we’ll see her again.

The Assassin and the Desert humbled Celaena. She is the best at what she does and knows it. But the betrayal of her close friend Ansel is devastating. Yet we again see Celaena’s humanity when she lets her live. I have a feeling that alliance will show up again in future books.

The Assassin and the Underworld is when we finally get Sam and Celaena admitting their feelings to one another and becoming a couple. It’s such a sweet and pure relationship

The Assassin and the Empire ripped my heart out.

I cannot wait to read Heir of Fire next. I have a feeling this will be one of my favorite series of all time.