Knock Out

This was a fun one! I’d put it at a solid 3.5 stars. I loved the premise of our heroine being a chemist and being part of a female vigilante group and her relationship with Tommy was so sweet. What keeps it from being a 4-5 star read for me was that I wanted more of Imogen and her vigilante friends! I loved that they had been building a case against the police but we got more of tell not show with it. I also struggled with the “you’re too good for me” between her and Tommy. She says she wants to be with you and doesn’t care that you’re not a rich lord! Listen!! I appreciate that the social politics that come with class were touched on, but it felt like it kept poking in the same shallow spot without delving or exploring much deeper.

I also appreciated the critical look at police and the power they hold and how easily it can corrupt someone. Tommy is one of the good guys but didn’t realize he was being kept in the dark about all the corruption in his colleagues. I loved that there wasn’t a back and forth for Tommy to decide whether to believe Imogen or not about the corruption, he just did!

This is a great book for any woman who has ever been told that she was “too much” or “too” anything. Imogen has been told that her whole life, and while it hasn’t moved her to change herself, it has put a dent in her hope of ever finding love with someone who really sees her, enter Tommy!

Imogen fighting off the bad police with her explosives was so fun to read!

The epilogue has me SO EXCITED for Duchess’s book!! I am SO curious about her. She seems so put together and always ready to defend her ladies and I can’t wait for her happy ending.


Aphrodite and the Duke


The Day of the Duchess